Friday 30 March 2012

Social Class

In Nigeria, we have three categories of classes; which comprises the upper class, middle class, and lower class which is also known as (working class). The upper class are mainly those that are in higher position, and this people are the politicians, President, Vice President, Ex presidents, Ministers, Ambassadors and Governors. While Managers, Directors, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Contractors and Royal families are in the middle class. Although, the royal families are also part of the Government and they are paid as well to play there royal activities, and they also be classified in the upper class.

In addition to that the official retirement age in my country for both the men and women is 65years so at that age you are retired, and the Government will start paying you pension with housing, sickness, maternity and death grants benefits.

Furthermore, in health care services,  Nigeria is trying all there effort for the up bringing of children who are homeless. While doing so, there are several organisations that are gathering money for charity and some of them are; Kanu Heart Foundation (K.H.F), Red cross, Salvaha etc. Back home there are many advice Bureau that helps you and advices you when you have strong sickness or infections, and they try as much as possible to take care of you when are not be able to afford money to buy drugs for the diseases.

Lastly, in Nigeria, we do have professional Doctors and they are well paid while many families chosen to have family doctors. Some of the common uniforms that the Doctors wear is basically white plane dress or gown. And in case of emergency their is one particular number that all most all Nigerian citizen have off head in case of in cases.

Due to the fact that UK is still running system, but is not as strict as it was before in the early years. The class structure in the UK is divided into three parts. which are upper, middle and working class. The upper class is made up of the rich people, and those people are the senior politicians, Nobel men, Bishops, entrepreneur, and lastly the royal family. while the middle class are the Doctors, lawyers, and teachers etc. While the working class are mainly the low income earners, and those people include store keepers, cleaners, gardeners etc.

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