Friday 30 March 2012

London Riot

In August last year, there was a riot that took place in London. And this riot is as result of police man shot a young guy call Mark Duggan. After couple of days of the burial ceremony his relatives and some of his friends went to the nearest police station to know what he has done for him to be shot. But there is no concrete reason for that. So they start to protest in peaceful way, after that the neighbouring street start to join the crew, and suddenly the protest became a riot. It is believed that they use some of social networks to organised the riot in such a way the police can not stop them or atack them. As result of that the riot start to spread to neighbouring cities such as birmingham, liverpool, and manchester. some of them start to looting and destroying shops.

BBC news (2012), london riot. Available at: news (2
(Accessed: 08/03 2012).

Independent (2012), london riot. Available at:

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