Friday 30 March 2012


Online News
Broadsheet (The Guardian)
Tabloid  (The Sun)
Kony 2012: what’s the real story
Monster is on the retweet
Quotes used
There are many Quotes in the news
There is no a single Quote in the news
Style of writing
The style of writing is formal
The style of writing is informal
Type of pictures
There is less pictures and the picture only the educational part of the story
The news is full of pictures,
Areas that the news covers
It gives the information of the story, from where it starts up to date
It gives little information, and shows those who supported the news by showing their pictures.
Organisation of the story
The story is well structured and organised, although story has started since 1987 both the way the story is been  organised it gives you full detail about what had happened in the previous years.
The way its organised gives you little about the story, and does not gives you the information you want see. And it draws your attention in one direction

Curtis, P. & McCarthy, T. (2012) 'Kony 2012: what's the real story?' The Guardian Available at (Accessed:09/03/2012).

Ross, E. (2012) 'Celebs back campaign to catch evil warlord Kony' The Sun Available at (Accessed:09/03/2012).

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