Friday 30 March 2012

Quality of life

There are several reasons that will/ are affecting my quality of life at university of Glam. I personaly have reasons that affect me positively and negatively.

     First of all, people say environment affect people . This sentence comprises much information, it means where you live, what you do, what you eat, and the people around you. The Welsh Government in generall is a place that always welcoming international students, that was one of the reasons that i choose, and decided to study in the university of Glamorgan among thousand of universities in the world. I found that Glamorgan university is one of the best places to study, due to the fact that the university is located in a small valley where there are less distractions and social life.Furthermore,  Glam teachers are friendly and always give their possible efforts to the students  doing the right things. Globally e-learning has become one of the fastest and easiest ways of learning and today Glamorgan is having well equipped facilities for learning and always looking forward making new techniques for there student to learn easily.

      Secondly, one thing that i found it difficult for me to cope with, is the school time table. Because it tooks me couple of weeks  for me to cope with the university schedule. However with  the introduction of  Academic study in the UK context on the topic "Time Management", the assignment gives me am additional knowledge and skills on how to use my time effectively and how to do the right it at the write time. Unlike in high school the teachers are the ones having responsibilities to coordinate you, while here your the one responsible for your self because your future is in your hands.

Thirdly, in terms of health and security services, UK is rated at the top; Here, the country is having specialised & qualified doctors, and well equipped hospital facilities with modern technological machines  to take  good care of their patients. whereas in security services CCTV canera is all over the country which makes less crime rates and confortable for international students.

Finally transportation is one of the major problem in Britain which disturbs the citizens and bordering international students as well.

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