Monday 27 February 2012

Education in the UK and Nigeria

One of the main advantage of studying in UK is that its Universities are highly recognized all over the world for their for their academic excellence.
      Basically education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education.
Primary Education: 
Primary education begins in UK when a child is 5 years old. that is when the child has  the ability to talk properly. And he finishes his Primary Education at age of 11.

Secondary Education:
At the age of 11 to 16, the child will now find his way into secondary school to continue his education, and to start preparing to take his GCSE's exams. Further more secondary school education is mandatory in UK.

Further Education:
Once a student finishes  secondary education they have the option to extend into further education to take their A-levels, GNVQ's, BTEC's other such qualifications. After then they will look on forward for planning to go to college or universities to complete further education.

Higher Education:
After completing universities as undergraduate or postgraduate, only few student go further to continue their education, or to Master in some areas, PHD, or  achieve certain level for example professor, Dr. This ranks is given by the University to the students who brings ideas in his field, and is also a sign of respect to him ( 2011)

( 20120)

( 2010)

( 2010)

                                                                                                                                                           There are many differences and similarities in comparing the learning skills between United Kingdom and    Nigeria. UK, which is developed country has many methods that helps the student to understand and cope with the institution easily than Nigeria. And they have their citeria in such a way each student has to do his own work alone  with not relying on some other students to do his work or assignments. For example:
Lectures Hall;
In there lectures halls, you find out that  the maximum number of the students are not above fifty in most cases. Which make's the lecture or the tutor to know more about his students and there difficulties of understanding. And the students also make there efforts in asking question in classes.

UK.International STUDENT (2011) UK Education system Available at: (Accessed:05/01/2012).

Mail Online (2010) Available at: (Accessed:05/01/2010).

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