Saturday 25 February 2012

Time Management

                                                    TIME MANAGEMENT
Time management is the ability of  individual to utilized and make use of his time according to what he/she has to do daily. before each and every starts time management effectively, he/she needs to set a gaols. When you know where you are going, then you can now figure out what exactly needs to be done. The point here is, the most important thing for some one to manage his time is Setting Goals.

Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems working together to help you get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life. Further more is an essential skill that helps your work under control, at the same time that it helps you keep stress to a minimum. (2012)

Much of time management comes down to effective scheduling of your time. When you know what your goals an priorities are, you then need to know how to go about creating a schedule that keep you on track, and protect you from stress.
This means understanding the factors that effect the time you have available for work. You not only have to schedule priority tasks, you have to leave room for interruptions, and contingency time for those unexpected events that otherwise wreak chaos with your schedule. By creating a robust schedule that reflects your priorities and well as supports your personal, you have a winning combination: one that will allow you to control your time and keep your life balance ( 2012).

As your term begins and your course schedule is set, develop and plan your study in a typical week. jot down one most block that you can study. By doing so, these will help you to achieve the deadlines of your course works or assignments.

time management can be a compounding weakness because it can amplify other issues. Student should notes all he's weaknesses. Students has to avoid many things for him to be success in meeting deadline or assignments. here are some clue to be avoiding.

Getting started:many people find it hard in starting a task or project

Most people procrastinate by doing other things. for example when you are suppose to be working on assignment or project and end up surfing YouTube, Facebook or Wikipedia.

Not Finishing Things:
Not finishing task is another time management weakness. tasks undone create more for you. You have to be discipline not to commence a new task until you are done with the previews one. Because multi tasking often leads to multiple things unfinished.

When doing particular task you have to keep away all necessary items that will interrupt you. for example by switching off your mobile phones, television and other electric devices. You should also find a convenient places for you to study ( 2012).

Available at: (Accessed:12/02/2012).

Mind Tools (2012) How good is your time management? Available at: (Accessed:12/02/2012).

Joseph K. (2009) The passage of time  Available at: (Accessed:12/02/2012).

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