Monday 30 January 2012

The Welsh Assembly

The Welsh Assembly

Since from 1974 untill now, The British government always presents the party that won the highest number of seats in the parliament. There were many minister's before David Cameron both unfortunately he existed to be the the youngest minister elected ever since. In negotiations towards the parliament, the Lib Dems said they want different types of electoral system in the future. However, each British constituency send one MP to the parliament ( 2010)

( 2012)

The senedd was opened in 2006, and is where Assembly Members gather for plenary. The Assembly estate also includes the pierhead, an historical building in Cardiff bay. As well as these tow buildings, the Assembly also has a visitor information.

( 2012)

The Assembly performs three functions representing Wales and its people making laws for wales and holding the welsh Government to account. The representing is made up of 60 elected Assembly members. Forty are chosen to represent individual constituencies, and 20 are chosen to represent the five regions of wales which are divided accordingly

  • North Wales
  • Mid and West Wales
  • South Wales West
  • South Wales West
  • South Wales Central
  • South Wales East.


Last week wednesday (22/02/2012), Their was an excursion/visit to the senedd - the home of debating chamber for national Assembly of Wales. We are asked to tackled some question and answer  them during our visit, which i asked one of the securities and workers. these question are:

  1. when was the senedd building opened? (The senedd was opened in 2006)
  2. What can you see if you are standing in front of it? ( Saint David and the bay)
  3. Where is the reception area of senedd situated? ( Penarth)
  4. What is the purpose of the funnel? (To circulate air)
  5. What are the headphones in the public gallery used for? (To translate languages)
  6. What are the two purposes of the glass walls in the committee Roo? (For security reasons)
  7. When do 'plenary meetings' take place in the senedd? (Tuesdays & wednesdays afternoon and begins at 1:30am)
  8. What are some of the things that you can buy  by clicking 'I' in the Assembly? (books, drinks, food, jewellery etc).

Insideout (2010) Anew government Available at: (Accessed:05/01/2010).

National Assembly for Wales (2012) Role of the Assembly and how it works Available at: (Accessed: 05/01/2012).

Inside out (2010) The new government. Available at:

Thursday 19 January 2012

The people of Britain

    The people of britain, consist of many different types of tribes and cultural backgrounds. Before the roman times british people where just geographical entity and do not have any political stability. After then James I of England and VI of Scotland established the monarchy system of governing in the united kingdom. Simon, J.(2011). Available at:   Accesed(18/01/2012).

people of britain have different cultural heritages and make a britain a great place to live, you may  find so many people who live in britain are from different nations due to their good behaviours and the way they communicate and are friendly. 


History (2011) People of Britain Available at: Accessed:18/01/2012)

RFlickr(2011), Available at:,( Accessed: 18/01/2012).


Monday 16 January 2012


Finally done with my blogs, HAPPY ME  tongue out.........!!!!1